Air cargo exporting from Japan results (March)
Air freight consolidation shipments from Japan in March totaled 113,236 tons (+63.4% y/y) in weight and 269,240 (+23.9% y/y) in number....
Air freight consolidation shipments from Japan in March totaled 113,236 tons (+63.4% y/y) in weight and 269,240 (+23.9% y/y) in number....
Yusen Logistics handled a record 17,219 tons of international air cargo from Japan in March, the highest volume since the merger of the...
The three major U.S. airlines, Delta Air Lines (DL/DAL), American Airlines Group (AA/AAL), and United Airlines Holdings (UA/UAL), posted...
Negotiations for long-term container contracts this year resulted in a significant increase in long-term freight rates for both imports...
The ranking of forwarders of international air cargoes originating from Japan for March 2021 has been revealed: Nippon Express ranked...
MSC has launched a new ocean-rail intermodal service linking Asia and Europe. Services for intermodal transportation of cargo from Japan,...
According to the international air cargo handling results released by Nippon Express, the consolidated weight of exports from Japan in...
5月のフォワーダー大手5社 (日本通運、近鉄エクスプレス、郵船ロジスティクス、西日本鉄道国際物流事業本部(にしてつ)、阪急阪神エクスプレス) の日本発航空輸出混載重量の合計は、3万10 ㌧と、前年同月比33.1%減少した。4月に続き、新型コロナウイルスの影響で需要・供給とも...