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Trade statistics for November show a recovery trend

According to the preliminary trade statistics for November released by the Ministry of Finance, total exports were 7,367.1 billion yen (+20.5% year-on-year) and total imports were 8,321.8 billion yen (+43.8%). Total exports increased for the ninth consecutive month and total imports for the tenth consecutive month. The net balance was 954.8 billion yen in excess of imports, the fourth consecutive month of deficit. Exports of manufacturing equipment and electronic parts, including steel and semiconductors, increased. Imports of crude oil, LNG (liquefied natural gas), and coal increased. By region, exports to the U.S. increased for the second consecutive month, while those to Europe and Asia increased for the ninth consecutive month. China's exports have been strong for 17 consecutive months, exceeding those of the same month last year. Imports increased for the ninth consecutive month in the U.S. and Europe, and for the 10th consecutive month in Asia and China.


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