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大手フォワーダー5社、5月の航空輸出混載実績 Five major forwarders' performance in May

5月のフォワーダー大手5社 (日本通運、近鉄エクスプレス、郵船ロジスティクス、西日本鉄道国際物流事業本部(にしてつ)、阪急阪神エクスプレス) の日本発航空輸出混載重量の合計は、3万10 ㌧と、前年同月比33.1%減少した。4月に続き、新型コロナウイルスの影響で需要・供給ともに落ち込んでいたことに加え、大型連休も重なって大幅減を記録。4月3万4254㌧(-32.0%)からも4000㌧強の減少となった。5社中3社がリーマン・ショック直後の最悪期以下か、近い低水準となっており、業界全体重量は5万トン割れが見込まれる。

The five major forwarders (Nippon Express, Kintetsu Express, Yusen Logistics, Nishinihon Railway International Logistics Business Headquarters (Nishitsu), Hankyu Hanshin Express) combined total air cargo exports from Japan to 310,000 tons in May, the same month last year. It decreased by 33.1%. Continuing from April, demand and supply fell due to the impact of the new coronavirus, and a large number of consecutive holidays also overlapped to record a significant decrease. It decreased by more than 4000 tons from 34,254 tons (-32.0%) in April. Three of the five companies are at or below the worst period immediately after the Lehman shock, or at a near low level, and the weight of the entire industry is expected to drop below 50,000 tons.


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