Global freight procurement and tender platform
e-Bid Freight
e-Bid Freight is a web service that automates global logistics tendering. Beautifully designed and easy to use, it is a simple but extremely powerful cloud-based system. With e-Bid Freight, you can select carriers and forwarders accurately and efficiently by automating and labor-saving the bidding process. The service is designed specifically for global logistics and requires no special training. We promise you unprecedented speed and accuracy.

Best matching shippers and carriers though a platform
e-Bid Freight Platform
Two project types for optimal freight procurement

Spot project
"Spot project" is a browser-based freight procurement and management tool covering various modes of transportation including Air, LCL, FCL, and truck. Shippers can get quotes for a single shipment and compare various rates and service levels.

Regular project
"Regular Project" is a freight procurement and management tool for multi-shipping. Shippers can use their own customizable RFQ templates to obtain contracted freight rates from individual carriers; one project can cover up to 1000 shipping lanes and support mega-shippers.

In a market where logistics costs fluctuate widely, it is a corporate governance risk to leave cost management to logistics personnel alone. e-Bid Freight makes the carrier selection process transparent, and past quotes can be easily managed in the system. Even if you are not in charge of logistics, you can determine whether your company's logistics costs are appropriate or not.

The chart on the left shows the e-Bid Freight Index analyzed from our bidding system. Global air and ocean freight is constantly going up and down, especially in the current turbulent market conditions affected by COVID-19. In order to minimize freight and logistics costs, freight tendering should be conducted on a quarterly or semi-annual basis.
Over 573,806 TEUs containers were quoted via e-Bid Freight in 2024.
More than 130,113 tons of air cargo were quoted via e-Bid Freight in 2024.
e-Bid Freight has more than 2,360 users in five countries.
Over 70 world's leading carriers and forwarders are registered.

If you would like a demo or more detailed information, please contact us using the format below.
無料で物流費用の一括見積 イービッドフレイト

Shipper case
We have about 500 lanes to bid on, primarily air and FCL; because of the large number of Door to Door lanes, we invite about 20 companies, primarily forwarders, to bid on these lanes. We compare mainly rates and services and award bids to one or two companies per lane.
Shipper case
Bidding is conducted once a year for 10,000 containers equivalent, mainly FCL. As a rule, it is Port to Port, so we invite about 30 companies, mainly shipping companies. Due to the large volume of goods, we conduct multiple rounds of bidding and award three companies per lane.
Shipper case
We participate in shipper's excel based bidding. e-Bid is used to obtain rates from over 20 shipping companies. best rates and services obtained from e-Bid are dropped into shipper's excel and submitted.

What's New e-Bid Freight
November 17, 2020
Our service was featured in the Nippon Kaiji Shimbun, a daily newspaper covering all aspects of transportation and logistics. Our service is introduced as a service that is expanding its use by greatly reducing the workload.
September 26, 2019
Our service was featured in Daily Cargo, a general logistics magazine. Our service is introduced as a service that automates the complicated work of international logistics bidding, which requires advanced comparative analysis.