Feb 5, 2022

Maersk to Strengthen Indian Rail Freight to Expand Logistics in the Country

According to Maersk, the development of 13 weekly rail freight procurement services in India has led to a 43% growth in export cargo using rail containers and a 23% increase in rail transport for import and export cargo. With the prolonged effects of the new coronavirus, Maersk focused on the normal operation of logistics infrastructure in the country, including shipping, warehousing, and port terminals, but explained that "moving cargo overland from manufacturers' facilities to export ports or vice versa for imports" stood as a challenge. The trucks returned to their hometowns as drivers feared the virus, state border transportation became a major hurdle, and conflicting regulations were implemented in different states. To address these bottlenecks, the company developed this service in 2021. The service has resulted in up to 30% faster transport times compared to road transport by truck, more stable transport between ports and production sites, and more consistent timeliness.
